Talent sourcing automation made easy

Score profiles & personalise messages with AI.
Save 52% of time on manual work.
Scan & Score single documents in .pdf/.docx, public profile links or in bulk with .csv/.xlsx.

Effortlessly evaluate candidate profiles with AI-driven scoring. Our SaaS tool lets you quickly assess potential candidates and their suitability for the job.

It analyzes their skills and competencies, providing you with valuable insights to make informed hiring decisions

Boost your outreach game with personalized, attention-grabbing messages.

Our SaaS solution empowers you to craft tailored messages that resonate with candidates.

Increase your reply rates and engagement by delivering messages that feel like they were written just for them. Leave generic outreach behind and start connecting with candidates on a personal level.
Easily create thoughtful and relevant follow-up questions that keep conversations flowing.

Whether you're conducting interviews or initial screenings, our tool ensures you never run out of meaningful questions.
Streamline your communication and make candidate interactions more productive.

Take the hassle out of candidate interactions with our AI-driven follow-up question generator.
The fastest way
to automate
your sourcing routine
With our extension crafting the perfect cover letter takes judst minutes. Use it to spotlight your skills, align your goals with the role, and showcase your industry expertise. It works with:
artificial intelligence cover letter
artificial intelligence cover letter
artificial intelligence cover letter
artificial intelligence cover letter
artificial intelligence cover letter
web links
Save 52% of profile review time
Avoid reviewing profiles with low scores
Get + 43% reply rates
Get more attention from candidates with
Cut 70% on candidate presentation
Better presented candidates are more likely to get accepted by the hiring manager

Make data driven decisions

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div blocThis is some text inside of a div block

Scan & Score single documents in .pdf/.docx, public profile links or in bulk with .csv/.xlsx.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div blocThis is some text inside of a div block

Make faster decisions and increase score

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div blocThis is some text inside of a div block

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